Zulrah Killer

Zulrah Killer

$20 / 1 instance(s)


Kills the boss flawlessly, supporting all rotations

Magic only mode

Special attacks

Potions and all variants





Quickstart & script arguments


Note: You need at least 1 charge on a ring of wealth in the bank, as the script uses that to restock at the grand exchange. It will deal with buying more as needed. You should also keep some coins in your bank for death charges and maybe initial restock costs.

Planned features:


Will you add chartership support?

I'm afraid that the answer is no. The reason for this is that charterships take way too much travel time to the point that it cuts into kill time. The value of time from using zul-andra teleport and starting a kill is much more efficient than using charterships. This will remain the case unless zul-andra scrolls increase in price significantly. If that ever happens I may consider adding it.


Usage: -arg=value | Example: -dart=amethyst

Argument keyValue(s)
dartamethyst, steel, mithril, adamant, rune
rangegearnames, of, your, gear, separated, by, comma
magegearnames, of, your, gear, separated, by, comma
venomamount of anti-venom potions to bring per trip
venomplusamount of anti-venom+ potions to bring per trip
prayamount of prayer potions to bring per trip
restoreamount of super restores to bring per trip
magicamount of magic potions to bring per trip
battlemageamount of battlemage potions to bring per trip
divinemagicamount of divine magic potions to bring per trip
rangingamount of ranging potions to bring per trip
bastionamount of bastion potions to bring per trip
divinerangingamount of divine ranging potions to bring per trip
foodpotato with butter, potato with cheese, curry, shark, sea turtle, manta ray, tuna potato
foodcountminimum amount of food needed for a kill
combocurrently only supports karambwans
combocountminimum amount of food needed for a kill
heartimbued, saturated
safepoh or duel
recoilfalse if using ring of suffering (include in magegear)
mageonlytrue if using mage only
debugtrue to enable debug mode

Example args

-rangegear=Assembler max cape, Void ranger helm,Ancient d'hide boots,Toxic blowpipe
-magegear=Imbued saradomin max cape,Eternal boots,Trident of the swamp,Occult necklace,
Rada's blessing 4,Elidinis' ward,Elite void top,Elite void robe,Void knight gloves,
Void mage helm,Ring of suffering

You can input these into the script selector outlined below, or into YAML file for quickstart outlined here

Generating args from the GUI

Firstly, enable the logger as shown below

Next, start the script through the GUI as normal, and the bot should generate them into the logger

You can copy these args by double clicking the log

Example YAML file

Save this to a .yml file and you can launch Inubot with quickstart using java -jar path-to-inubot.jar path-toyour-args-file.yml

username: "your rs username"
password: "your rs password"
pin: ""
world: "36"
script: "Zulrah Killer"
script_args: "-dart=amethyst
  -rangegear=Assembler max cape, Void ranger helm,Ancient d'hide boots,Toxic blowpipe
  -magegear=Imbued saradomin max cape,Eternal boots,Trident of the swamp,Occult necklace,
  Rada's blessing 4,Elidinis' ward,Elite void top,Elite void robe,Void knight gloves,
  Void mage helm,Ring of suffering
low_cpu: false
inubot_username: "inubot username"
inubot_password: "inubot password"
